So yes, you just read that correctly; two years after starting down the road to bring 'one more game...' (OMG) into being I am returning to it having only managed three posts. Not a particularly prolific output I admit. More Guns n Roses than The Ramones. More Welles than Hitchcock. More Saturn than PS1... That's right it's been two years and it's taken me just 3 lines to get back to the Saturn; what of it? The game is never over!
The truth is that during 2010 my attention was brutally turned away from gaming for a time thanks to a mixture of breaks ups, beat ups, surgery to repair my smashed eye socket post beat up, and then quite frankly, I plain forgot about 'one more game...'. Which is shame as reading over the posts today, I feel it had a solid start. I had plans to review Red Dead Redemption (which would have scored 'OMG's' first 10) and Mario Galaxy 2 (OMG's first 7) and I wanted to write a piece about the impending decline of the Wii and motion control in it's stick waving form (OMG's first accurate fortune told). Oh well. Spilt milk.
The good news is that OMG is now back up and running and this time I will be having a full tilt at taking it somewhere interesting.
To celebrate the return and rebirth of OMG I have organised an event currently known as Pokefest 2012! There are 6 players who will each start a new game of Pokemon Red/Blue on Saturday 31st March and will convene on Monday 4th June for a round robin style tournament. It will be fantastic fun for everyone involved, and a chance to live the retro dream. Updates will of course be brought to you right here at OMG. So far it has been hilarious to watch a bunch of mid-20's -early 30's guys rushing around looking for 'the old Game Boy Colour' and trying to snaffle a new copy of Pokemon on ebay (not wanting to delete precious 'caught them all' save games of course).
So that's it, OMG is back. For good this time we hope.
Take it easy!