Day 3
As mentioned on OMG last week, to celebrate the much anticipated return of the internets moodiest gaming blog we at OMG will be hosting a Pokémon tournament.
The basic premise is simple enough; start a new game of Red/Blue on Saturday 31st March then train for 2 months before coming together on the 4th June for a round robin tournament.
There were due to be 6 players but that has been whittled down to 4 due to 'hardware difficulties'. In fact I feel I should clarify that statement. What I mean to say is that two of the players - Vikolai and Spanish Dave - have lost their Game Boy Colours. Their Game Boys are probably in perfect working condition, veritable super bricks that they are, it's just that they're in perfect working condition under a ton of other consoles and peripherals, broken xbox 360's, or perhaps just in the attic.
So that leaves four of us to do battle. Other than myself - andyedessa - we have Ben 'the fox in the box' Jefferies. A past Pokémaster experienced in all generations of Pokémon, he is expected to do well here. Then we have Richard 'marsbar' Evans who has been dubbed a Pokéboss due to his previous Pokémon Blue exploits. Back in what we call 'the day' Richard caught, fought and traded for all 151 Pokébeasts. Finally we have Jim 'the Brady' Sullivan. A man of unknown Pokétential, a dark horse if you will, it is impossible to write him off. After all, this is a man who claims to be able to throw and catch a hail mary pass to himself thus winning Superbowl 46 for the Patriots; if only he had played. Who can argue with that?
Myself, I have previously caught all 151 Pokémon on my cherished copy of Pokémon Red but alas, this has been stolen (along with my teal Game Boy Colour) and so a new copy was snaffled on ebay (along with my new teal Game Boy Colour).
And so on Saturday, three of us set to work. Richard is still awaiting his new copy of Red, unwilling to delete his 'caught them all' Blue save file. At this point it is early days and we all seem to have made similar Poképrogress:
Andy: 1 badge and 13 Pokémon caught.
Ben: 1 badge and 12 Pokémon caught.
Jim: 0 badges and 5 Pokémon caught.
Richard will be a late starter but as we have said, he is a Pokéboss.
And so for now that is it. Expect another update next Sunday/Monday. Things are about to get Pokécrazy!
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