Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Pokéfest - Week 3

Day 18

Ok, so it looks as if people are starting to motor at this point in the Pokéfest with badges and Pokémon rolling in. All except me that is.

I'm currently hanging out back in last place with a paltry 2 badges and 21 Pokémon. The truth is that I have spent a good deal of the last week levelling up my Abra to a Kadabra and giggling at my mighty Jigglypuff taking on all comers; a little Jigglybeast if you will! At least I've now completed the SS Anne section and am ready to take on Lt Surge. I am getting there. However, the rest of the trainers are pulling away so I really must get a move on.

Out front we have Jim who currently has 6 badges and 50 Pokémon. Jim is what can only be described as a hardcore trainer. He recently relayed to me a story of how he gets so into playing the game that he shouts, jumps, and on one occasion ripped the power supply out of his Game Boy Colour, thus shutting it off by mistake and losing his unsaved progress. He lives on the Poké-edge! To such extremes has he taken his playing that whilst talking to Jim via a certain social media website chat function I realised that he had gone oddly quiet. Jim was not responding to my posts and questions. Where could Jim possibly be? Asleep, thats where! With his Game Boy on his face; still turned on. An extreme trainer if ever there was one.

In second we have Ben who also currently holds 6 badges but just 33 Pokémon. I have heard less from Ben but just judging by his figures I guess he has a pretty settled team at this point and is probably levelling up pre push for the Elite 4.

Talking of settled teams we have the quietly confident Pokéboss Richard. Currently with 4 badges and just 15 (!!!) Pokémon. That figure reeks of a trainer who is handpicking his catches and team as he goes. It also screams that he has some high level 'mon in his possession to make it through the gyms presumably whilst facing type disadvantages.

Finally we have our final late starter Spanish Dave. I would love to give you his figures but quite simply he hasn't told me them. I had a brief text message conversation with him over the weekend as I asked him if he had watched the rugby, and I quote his response - 'No - am stuck in Pokémon i cant escape!'

This seems to confirm our worst fear that he has in fact locked himself in his room and is living his life only in Kanto. It's a shame. He is a nice boy. We all liked him.

And so we just have one final announcement to make and that is that we are considering having a special prize for whoever catches the most Pokémon before the Tournament on June 4th. We are also currently debating whether to allow the use of the legendary birds. I think I am leaning to say no. Jim says no. Richard says yes. We will need to see what Ben and Spanish make of it. Hopefully in time to announce in the next update.

Also in the next update we will be bringing you a list of the starters that each trainer chose.

These are indeed exciting times!

Keep it Kanto! Keep it OMG!

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