Thursday, 3 May 2012

Pokéfest - Week 5

Day 34

Just one month and one day until the big match day!

5 weeks down and we're officially a little over half way through the Pokéfest and the competition at the top is now really on as we have 3 players who have collected all 8 badges and shown the Elite 4 the real meaning of the word trainer. This could be terrible news for my own chances but there is some good news as we shall see...

Ben as we knew last week was at the level grinding stage having beaten the Elite 4 first. The news from Ben this week is that he has shockingly not played at all. Level grinding is tough work and so he is taking a break. I don't expect this to last too long but I consider it an opening.

Jim was second to beat the Elite 4 and he too has now declared a break from the game. Jim, in fairness, has spent 120 hours, more time than anyone (possibly ever), playing the game and so has a very balanced team in level terms. He has avoided the unplanned level jumping which is so easy to fall into when you allow one Pokémon too frequent a use. One strange piece of news that came from Jim this week was that he let slip that he has levelled up the Mewtwo (M2) he has caught; he couldn't explain why knowing that he cannot use this on the Championship day but he seems to like it.

Dave was third to complete the Elite 4 and after taking some time to return to the early parts of the game to pick up a Pokémon he missed first time around he too has now declared his intention to take a break.

3 players grinding to a halt upon completion of the story? Interesting news in itself but you'd better make that 4 players.

The Pokéboss is struggling. He has now taken 2 weeks off.

Worrying times for everyone but me then. Now is clearly my chance... the tortoise beats the Hare.

For myself, I have picked up another badge with a couple of simple one hit kills. I am now on 4 badges. I am particularly buoyed by the manner of my 4th badge win as my Pokémon are clearly ahead of the level/difficulty curve. There is a long way to go but my team may be finding a groove.

Next stop for me is the Pokémon Tower and I ain't afraid of no ghost as they say! Unfortunately Mr Pickles, my trusty Kadabra, is terrified of them so someone is going to have to step up and fill his psychic, spoon bending shoes. It should be fine. It's always fine.

Incidentally I used to live in a haunted house with Ben. True fact.

And that is it for the now. More news soon.

Keep it M2! Keep it OMG!

Mr Pickles used Teleport, Mr Pickles teleported out of battle...

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