Monday, 28 May 2012

Pokéfest - Week 9

Day 69

A long time has passed since the last Pokéfest blog and this is primarily due to the drying up of any real news; however, today we can officially say that in one week the Pokéfest 2012 will be upon us...

5 men, 2 months, 1 goal - to be crowned Pokéboss 2012.

Since the last post it would seem that a level of contentment has come over all the trainers who have already completed the game. Almost an air of complacency in fact. Jim, Ben and Spanish Dave all attest that they have put in minimal time to the game over the last 3 weeks. Ben is quoted as stating a mere 2 hours of play. All three however are far from forthcoming with details of the training, Pokémon in their team or the levels their monsters are currently at.

It is interesting. I considered recently that the Pokéfest may have been too long at a near 2 months but I quite like that it has been an epic rather than a quick race. It feels more true to a real Pokémon trainers life - as you know you can't stop at the Elite 4, you have to keep training hard, pushing it every single day as you never know, you can never be certain, that Gary Oak isn't going to jump you when you walk around the next corner....

Ok, perhaps I've immersed too deep into Pokémon but then, I'm still playing. I am now up to 6 badges with the 7th imminent. Mr Pickles has been on the steroids and is no average Kadabra - the sleeping Snorlax on Route 12 was just the latest unsuspecting victim of his 'roid rage - and is ready to take on the world. I just need to get some of my other boys up to scratch but there can be no doubt that I will bring them into peak form at the right moment. I can do no more.

The news regarding Richard is interesting in that he has 4 badges, the same as he has had for some while now, but, he claims his team are levelled in the 50's. I'm still not writing him off. He came in with the nickname Pokéboss, he could still leave with it as his official title. All correspondence addressed to Richard (B.A. hons, Pokéboss) if you will.

Just one week left. I for one cannot wait to see what happens. Of course, all will be posted here!

Keep your Snorlax safe! Keep it Kanto! Keep it OMG!

"I'd better split before I catch loser-itis!" - Gary Oak 1998

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