Final Day
And that was the day that was. 2 months of work from 5 players had built up to this moment on Monday 4th June. What a dramatic day it was.
The drama began before the players had even convened with the news that Richard would not be attending. An alleged game wipe being the reason for this late withdrawal. The 'Pokéboss' Richard would not be.
Then came the news that Spanish Dave could not immediately arrive with the other players but would have to arrive later in the day. After much deliberation, the boys decided to play on without him and then he would have to play 3 games back to back when he arrived.
And so the tournament began!
Game 1
Ben vs Andy
The first game was a terribly one sided affair with Ben laying down a marker for other players to try and reach. A level 65 Haunter was Ben's starter Pokémon and he took down in short order Andy's Pikachu, Gyarados, Haunter and Tony the Blastoise! Things were looking grim for Andy until Mr Pickles, the worlds most famous Kadabra, made his first appearance of the day. Kadabra unleashed his first attack, Hypnosis, and both Ben and Andy watched Haunters life bar rapidly decrease. And keep decreasing. And decrease further still. But it stopped. With perhaps 20% health remaining Haunter cleaned up. Mr Pickles was put to sleep and soon enough his dreams were eaten. Game over. Hitmonsteve the Hitmonlee was sent out but had no chance. Haunter had ruined Andy's team. Ben showed his potential to be Pokéboss, Mr Pickles had showed his potential to upset.
Game 2
Jim vs Andy
Jim swaggered into this game looking to add further punishment to the crestfallen Andy. However, a surprise lay in wait. First up Jim's Lapras beat Andy's Pikachu. The mighty Lapras was soon cutdown though - Andy's Haunter putting it to sleep and finishing the job. Jim's Charizard recovered the situation by beating Haunter but was soon beaten himself by Tony the Blastoise. Jim's Gyarados then beat Tony, Hitmonsteve and Andy's Gyarados. Andy had one Pokémon left; Mr Pickles. Pickles unleashed the beast! Gyarados was taken down and was followed by Jim's Hypno after a long headbutt vs recover struggle. Mr Pickles then put Pikachu and Haunter down and put the game to bed. The upset of the day was complete. Mr Pickles showed his class and sealed his legend.
Game 3
Ben vs Jim
This was expected to be the game that would decide the Pokéboss title but after the previous upset it was now more a case of Jim trying to save his chances. Ben began as he did against Andy, Haunter beating Jim's Gyarados. However, Haunter was soon taken out by Jim's mighty Hypno. Ben recovered with his Jolteon who took out Jim's Hypno and Haunter before falling to Charizard. Ben then unleashed his suprise entry Persian who beat Charizard but lost to Jims Lapras. Ben onto his 4th Pokémon and the game was even. His Kadabra finished the job though beating both Lapras (surviving a hit from Blizzard without being frozen) and Pikachu; finishing with a one hit kill against Pikachu. Ben moved to 2 wins and 0 losses. Jim had lost 2 and won 0.
Game 4
Dave vs Jim
Dave enters the building and surveys the battlefield. He's nonchalant and confident. Jim throws out his level 50's Gyarados, Dave throws out his level 27 Dratini. The crowd gasps. Jim's Gyarados takes out Dratini and then Dave's Raichu and Haunter before losing to Dave's Gyarados. Jim's Haunter then beat Gyarados but goes on to lose to Dave's Charizard. Jim's Lapras returned to action at this point and Dave withdrew his Charizard replacing him with a Marowak who quickly fell followed by Charizard. Jim wins and saves face. Gyarados looked mighty.
Game 5
Dave vs Andy
With Jim having played all 3 games and winning 1 and losing 2, a win for Andy would seal second place in the Pokéfest for him. Dave had other ideas, he wanted his first win. First up Dave's Dratini was beaten by Pikachu but following some withdrawing his Raichu would beat Hitmonsteve. Raichu then lost to Mr Pickles. Some more withdrawing and Dave's Gyarados beat Andy's Pikachu, Gyarados and then, surprisingly, Mr Pickles. Gyarados would lose to Tony the Blastoise but Dave's Haunter would save the win beating both Tony and Andy's Haunter. Dave got his first win and Andy joined Jim on 1 win and 2 defeats.
Game 6
Ben vs Dave
A win for Dave would leave these two players tied on 2 wins a piece. Some discussions were held as to what would happen if this were the case. It didn't matter, it wasn't to be. Ben opened as normal with his Haunter beating Dave's Charizard but he would lose his Haunter to Raichu. Ben then took the opportunity to unleash his as yet unseen level 70 Charizard. Game over. Charizard beat Gyarados, Haunter, Raichu, Dratini and finally Marowak. Charizard went wild. Ben celebrated. 3 wins. He was the Pokéboss! Dave joined Andy and Jim on 1 win 2 losses.
And there we have it. Ben was the Pokéboss 2012 and well deserved it was too. And what a great time everyone had. The original Pokémon games cannot be praised enough. They are still utterly compelling and I may have to write a piece on them at some point in the future.
For now I can say, congratulations Ben! Next year onto Gold and Silver!
Keep it Johto! Keep it OMG!
Misty: Oh no, Staryu's in real pain!
Ash: How can you tell? It doesn't even have a face!
Misty: It's because I'm sensitive to others feelings!
Ash: Oh yeah, like I'm not!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
Pokéfest - Week 9
Day 69
A long time has passed since the last Pokéfest blog and this is primarily due to the drying up of any real news; however, today we can officially say that in one week the Pokéfest 2012 will be upon us...
5 men, 2 months, 1 goal - to be crowned Pokéboss 2012.
Since the last post it would seem that a level of contentment has come over all the trainers who have already completed the game. Almost an air of complacency in fact. Jim, Ben and Spanish Dave all attest that they have put in minimal time to the game over the last 3 weeks. Ben is quoted as stating a mere 2 hours of play. All three however are far from forthcoming with details of the training, Pokémon in their team or the levels their monsters are currently at.
It is interesting. I considered recently that the Pokéfest may have been too long at a near 2 months but I quite like that it has been an epic rather than a quick race. It feels more true to a real Pokémon trainers life - as you know you can't stop at the Elite 4, you have to keep training hard, pushing it every single day as you never know, you can never be certain, that Gary Oak isn't going to jump you when you walk around the next corner....
Ok, perhaps I've immersed too deep into Pokémon but then, I'm still playing. I am now up to 6 badges with the 7th imminent. Mr Pickles has been on the steroids and is no average Kadabra - the sleeping Snorlax on Route 12 was just the latest unsuspecting victim of his 'roid rage - and is ready to take on the world. I just need to get some of my other boys up to scratch but there can be no doubt that I will bring them into peak form at the right moment. I can do no more.
The news regarding Richard is interesting in that he has 4 badges, the same as he has had for some while now, but, he claims his team are levelled in the 50's. I'm still not writing him off. He came in with the nickname Pokéboss, he could still leave with it as his official title. All correspondence addressed to Richard (B.A. hons, Pokéboss) if you will.
Just one week left. I for one cannot wait to see what happens. Of course, all will be posted here!
Keep your Snorlax safe! Keep it Kanto! Keep it OMG!
"I'd better split before I catch loser-itis!" - Gary Oak 1998
A long time has passed since the last Pokéfest blog and this is primarily due to the drying up of any real news; however, today we can officially say that in one week the Pokéfest 2012 will be upon us...
5 men, 2 months, 1 goal - to be crowned Pokéboss 2012.
Since the last post it would seem that a level of contentment has come over all the trainers who have already completed the game. Almost an air of complacency in fact. Jim, Ben and Spanish Dave all attest that they have put in minimal time to the game over the last 3 weeks. Ben is quoted as stating a mere 2 hours of play. All three however are far from forthcoming with details of the training, Pokémon in their team or the levels their monsters are currently at.
It is interesting. I considered recently that the Pokéfest may have been too long at a near 2 months but I quite like that it has been an epic rather than a quick race. It feels more true to a real Pokémon trainers life - as you know you can't stop at the Elite 4, you have to keep training hard, pushing it every single day as you never know, you can never be certain, that Gary Oak isn't going to jump you when you walk around the next corner....
Ok, perhaps I've immersed too deep into Pokémon but then, I'm still playing. I am now up to 6 badges with the 7th imminent. Mr Pickles has been on the steroids and is no average Kadabra - the sleeping Snorlax on Route 12 was just the latest unsuspecting victim of his 'roid rage - and is ready to take on the world. I just need to get some of my other boys up to scratch but there can be no doubt that I will bring them into peak form at the right moment. I can do no more.
The news regarding Richard is interesting in that he has 4 badges, the same as he has had for some while now, but, he claims his team are levelled in the 50's. I'm still not writing him off. He came in with the nickname Pokéboss, he could still leave with it as his official title. All correspondence addressed to Richard (B.A. hons, Pokéboss) if you will.
Just one week left. I for one cannot wait to see what happens. Of course, all will be posted here!
Keep your Snorlax safe! Keep it Kanto! Keep it OMG!
"I'd better split before I catch loser-itis!" - Gary Oak 1998
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Pokéfest - Week 5
Day 34
Just one month and one day until the big match day!
5 weeks down and we're officially a little over half way through the Pokéfest and the competition at the top is now really on as we have 3 players who have collected all 8 badges and shown the Elite 4 the real meaning of the word trainer. This could be terrible news for my own chances but there is some good news as we shall see...
Ben as we knew last week was at the level grinding stage having beaten the Elite 4 first. The news from Ben this week is that he has shockingly not played at all. Level grinding is tough work and so he is taking a break. I don't expect this to last too long but I consider it an opening.
Jim was second to beat the Elite 4 and he too has now declared a break from the game. Jim, in fairness, has spent 120 hours, more time than anyone (possibly ever), playing the game and so has a very balanced team in level terms. He has avoided the unplanned level jumping which is so easy to fall into when you allow one Pokémon too frequent a use. One strange piece of news that came from Jim this week was that he let slip that he has levelled up the Mewtwo (M2) he has caught; he couldn't explain why knowing that he cannot use this on the Championship day but he seems to like it.
Dave was third to complete the Elite 4 and after taking some time to return to the early parts of the game to pick up a Pokémon he missed first time around he too has now declared his intention to take a break.
3 players grinding to a halt upon completion of the story? Interesting news in itself but you'd better make that 4 players.
The Pokéboss is struggling. He has now taken 2 weeks off.
Worrying times for everyone but me then. Now is clearly my chance... the tortoise beats the Hare.
For myself, I have picked up another badge with a couple of simple one hit kills. I am now on 4 badges. I am particularly buoyed by the manner of my 4th badge win as my Pokémon are clearly ahead of the level/difficulty curve. There is a long way to go but my team may be finding a groove.
Next stop for me is the Pokémon Tower and I ain't afraid of no ghost as they say! Unfortunately Mr Pickles, my trusty Kadabra, is terrified of them so someone is going to have to step up and fill his psychic, spoon bending shoes. It should be fine. It's always fine.
Incidentally I used to live in a haunted house with Ben. True fact.
And that is it for the now. More news soon.
Keep it M2! Keep it OMG!
Mr Pickles used Teleport, Mr Pickles teleported out of battle...
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Pokéfest - Week 4
Day 26
Ok, so I am still in last place and I know what you're thinking but you can just stop right there alright! Put the thought away, stop pulling that face; I'm on it. It will be fine.
I currently have 3 badges but am close to my 4th having just arrived in Lavender Town - next stop Celadon City. I don't expect it to take long to get my 4th badge as I have spent most of my play time over the last week beating on Diglett's and Dugtrio's in the Diglett Cave which is a fantastic place for level grinding. I've added both species to my Pokédex so I am now showing 23 Pokémon caught. I predict a severe whooping for Erika at the Celadon gym - my current team is particularly handy at mowing (that's right I went there) down Grass type Pokémon.
Out in front this week is Ben with 8 badges collected, the Elite 4 beaten and 42 Pokémon caught. He's only added 9 Pokémon in the last week so I feel certain that he now has his team picked. Or at least has it down to 8 on rotation or something to this effect.
Jim and Dave are both right behind with 8 badges collected but the Elite 4 still waiting to be beaten. Jim I know is taking care to level up - Dave I believe is simply living a dream. Dave has so rapidly progressed to second place that he may well be on course to win the Championship!
The shock of the week is the stalled progress of the Pokéboss Richard. Apparently a boss no more. His stats remain 4 badges and 15 Pokémon. Now, it must be taken into account that he has sat and passed his driving test this week (congrats buddy) so I feel we can give him the benefit of the doubt - for now. His words are worryingly apathetic though; all we can do it hope for a return to form this coming week. With the progress of the top 3 his place as the number 1 seed is looking increasingly mis-judged.
And that is it statistically for this week. Movers and shakers all round as you can see - though being rooted to the bottom of the league I am definitely more shaker than mover.
Finally we come to our major announcement. There will be NO legendary birds used in the Pokéfest. The voting ran as 4 no's to 1 yes, Richard being the 1 in favour of them. In truth I was unmoved either way but the other 3 guys were adamant.
Incidentally, Poké-quote of the week goes to Spanish Dave. In response to whether he wanted the legendary birds to take part, he responded:
"I would not lower myself to using the birds or Mew Two, all of whom are essentially morally cheating."
Consider yourselves told morally cheating trainers of the world. Consider yourselves told.
Keep it Kanto! Keep it OMG!
Andy is confused.... Andy hurt himself in his confusion!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Pokéfest - Week 3
Day 18
Ok, so it looks as if people are starting to motor at this point in the Pokéfest with badges and Pokémon rolling in. All except me that is.
I'm currently hanging out back in last place with a paltry 2 badges and 21 Pokémon. The truth is that I have spent a good deal of the last week levelling up my Abra to a Kadabra and giggling at my mighty Jigglypuff taking on all comers; a little Jigglybeast if you will! At least I've now completed the SS Anne section and am ready to take on Lt Surge. I am getting there. However, the rest of the trainers are pulling away so I really must get a move on.
Out front we have Jim who currently has 6 badges and 50 Pokémon. Jim is what can only be described as a hardcore trainer. He recently relayed to me a story of how he gets so into playing the game that he shouts, jumps, and on one occasion ripped the power supply out of his Game Boy Colour, thus shutting it off by mistake and losing his unsaved progress. He lives on the Poké-edge! To such extremes has he taken his playing that whilst talking to Jim via a certain social media website chat function I realised that he had gone oddly quiet. Jim was not responding to my posts and questions. Where could Jim possibly be? Asleep, thats where! With his Game Boy on his face; still turned on. An extreme trainer if ever there was one.
In second we have Ben who also currently holds 6 badges but just 33 Pokémon. I have heard less from Ben but just judging by his figures I guess he has a pretty settled team at this point and is probably levelling up pre push for the Elite 4.
Talking of settled teams we have the quietly confident Pokéboss Richard. Currently with 4 badges and just 15 (!!!) Pokémon. That figure reeks of a trainer who is handpicking his catches and team as he goes. It also screams that he has some high level 'mon in his possession to make it through the gyms presumably whilst facing type disadvantages.
Finally we have our final late starter Spanish Dave. I would love to give you his figures but quite simply he hasn't told me them. I had a brief text message conversation with him over the weekend as I asked him if he had watched the rugby, and I quote his response - 'No - am stuck in Pokémon i cant escape!'
This seems to confirm our worst fear that he has in fact locked himself in his room and is living his life only in Kanto. It's a shame. He is a nice boy. We all liked him.
And so we just have one final announcement to make and that is that we are considering having a special prize for whoever catches the most Pokémon before the Tournament on June 4th. We are also currently debating whether to allow the use of the legendary birds. I think I am leaning to say no. Jim says no. Richard says yes. We will need to see what Ben and Spanish make of it. Hopefully in time to announce in the next update.
Also in the next update we will be bringing you a list of the starters that each trainer chose.
These are indeed exciting times!
Keep it Kanto! Keep it OMG!
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Pokéfest - Week 2
Day 12
Ok, so here we are. Pokéfest 2012 enters it's second week and the competition is starting to heat up like a Charmander on curry night.
So far the results that have rolled in have surprised me, completely back to front to what I imagined as they are. To give the statistics:
In the lead we have Jim 'the Brady' Sullivan who has picked himself up 6 badges as well as having 43 Pokémon entries in his Pokédex. Jim has been the real surprise of the first week and has made use of his profession as a 'government sponsored rock climber' (unemployed) to full effect, putting us more experienced (older), professional (employed) gamers to shame. There is still time to set this record straight though and I am personally unconcerned. For now.
I am currently languishing in 3rd place with 2 badges and 19 Pokémon in the Pokédex. Having made a rapid start to my journey I have since become distracted; mainly by trying to catch an Abra which took me two days. That's two days wandering around the same 5x2 patch of grass on Route 25! Still, I am mighty pleased with my catch. I feel he will be of some use later on...
In 2nd place is Ben 'the Fox in the Box' Jefferies. He's rocking 3 badges and 30 Pokémon caught. This high catch to badge ratio suggests to me that Ben may be a particularly thorough trainer, literally out to catch them all. Perhaps a wildly varied team may be unleashed come June.
In 4th place is the Pokéboss Richard. His game only arrived a week ago today (Day 4) and was initially not working but - as if to prove his boss skills - he swapped out the save battery and replaced it. Then, inexplicably, proceeded to put down his Pokémon Red cart onto his bedside table and instead booted up Soul Silver on his DS grinning to himself quite wildly. Jim is calling this a bluff, an attempt to create a false sense of security. I'm not so sure. I'm completely baffled by his actions in fact. But still, he remains my number 1 seed for the tournament. He is a boss after all.
And finally, bah bah bah baaah! Spanish Dave has joined the party. He has borrowed an old Game Boy Pocket from the Pokéboss and is probably completely immersed in his new copy of Blue (it arrived yesterday) as we speak. I say probably as he isn't responding to texts or calls so we can only assume that he is locked in his room trapped in an all too involved battle with Team Rocket. We aren't too worried yet, but if he doesn't re-emerge with some witty rugby related comment soon then we will. Lots. We really hope to have heard from him for next weeks post.
So, as you can see, we've made varying levels of progress through the first week but one thing has been a common point of discussion and that is that, quite simply, these games are brilliant. I thoroughly expected to be awash with nostalgia but I feel that more than that, the games are actually fantastic. Perhaps it is to be expected of me as I am a self proclaimed lover of the retro - but - we are all in unison on this. Pokémon Red/Blue are as fresh today as they were , what?, 14 years ago. Sure they look a bit rubbish and if I'm completely honest Butterfrees' pixelated head makes me feel a bit sick (he kicks ass though) but we don't care. We're all having an awesome time with these games - again - and so should you.
Looking forward to next weeks post! Poké-effing-awesome!
Ok, so here we are. Pokéfest 2012 enters it's second week and the competition is starting to heat up like a Charmander on curry night.
So far the results that have rolled in have surprised me, completely back to front to what I imagined as they are. To give the statistics:
In the lead we have Jim 'the Brady' Sullivan who has picked himself up 6 badges as well as having 43 Pokémon entries in his Pokédex. Jim has been the real surprise of the first week and has made use of his profession as a 'government sponsored rock climber' (unemployed) to full effect, putting us more experienced (older), professional (employed) gamers to shame. There is still time to set this record straight though and I am personally unconcerned. For now.
I am currently languishing in 3rd place with 2 badges and 19 Pokémon in the Pokédex. Having made a rapid start to my journey I have since become distracted; mainly by trying to catch an Abra which took me two days. That's two days wandering around the same 5x2 patch of grass on Route 25! Still, I am mighty pleased with my catch. I feel he will be of some use later on...
In 2nd place is Ben 'the Fox in the Box' Jefferies. He's rocking 3 badges and 30 Pokémon caught. This high catch to badge ratio suggests to me that Ben may be a particularly thorough trainer, literally out to catch them all. Perhaps a wildly varied team may be unleashed come June.
In 4th place is the Pokéboss Richard. His game only arrived a week ago today (Day 4) and was initially not working but - as if to prove his boss skills - he swapped out the save battery and replaced it. Then, inexplicably, proceeded to put down his Pokémon Red cart onto his bedside table and instead booted up Soul Silver on his DS grinning to himself quite wildly. Jim is calling this a bluff, an attempt to create a false sense of security. I'm not so sure. I'm completely baffled by his actions in fact. But still, he remains my number 1 seed for the tournament. He is a boss after all.
And finally, bah bah bah baaah! Spanish Dave has joined the party. He has borrowed an old Game Boy Pocket from the Pokéboss and is probably completely immersed in his new copy of Blue (it arrived yesterday) as we speak. I say probably as he isn't responding to texts or calls so we can only assume that he is locked in his room trapped in an all too involved battle with Team Rocket. We aren't too worried yet, but if he doesn't re-emerge with some witty rugby related comment soon then we will. Lots. We really hope to have heard from him for next weeks post.
So, as you can see, we've made varying levels of progress through the first week but one thing has been a common point of discussion and that is that, quite simply, these games are brilliant. I thoroughly expected to be awash with nostalgia but I feel that more than that, the games are actually fantastic. Perhaps it is to be expected of me as I am a self proclaimed lover of the retro - but - we are all in unison on this. Pokémon Red/Blue are as fresh today as they were , what?, 14 years ago. Sure they look a bit rubbish and if I'm completely honest Butterfrees' pixelated head makes me feel a bit sick (he kicks ass though) but we don't care. We're all having an awesome time with these games - again - and so should you.
Looking forward to next weeks post! Poké-effing-awesome!
Monday, 2 April 2012
Pokéfest 2012 getting underway
Day 3
As mentioned on OMG last week, to celebrate the much anticipated return of the internets moodiest gaming blog we at OMG will be hosting a Pokémon tournament.
The basic premise is simple enough; start a new game of Red/Blue on Saturday 31st March then train for 2 months before coming together on the 4th June for a round robin tournament.
There were due to be 6 players but that has been whittled down to 4 due to 'hardware difficulties'. In fact I feel I should clarify that statement. What I mean to say is that two of the players - Vikolai and Spanish Dave - have lost their Game Boy Colours. Their Game Boys are probably in perfect working condition, veritable super bricks that they are, it's just that they're in perfect working condition under a ton of other consoles and peripherals, broken xbox 360's, or perhaps just in the attic.
So that leaves four of us to do battle. Other than myself - andyedessa - we have Ben 'the fox in the box' Jefferies. A past Pokémaster experienced in all generations of Pokémon, he is expected to do well here. Then we have Richard 'marsbar' Evans who has been dubbed a Pokéboss due to his previous Pokémon Blue exploits. Back in what we call 'the day' Richard caught, fought and traded for all 151 Pokébeasts. Finally we have Jim 'the Brady' Sullivan. A man of unknown Pokétential, a dark horse if you will, it is impossible to write him off. After all, this is a man who claims to be able to throw and catch a hail mary pass to himself thus winning Superbowl 46 for the Patriots; if only he had played. Who can argue with that?
Myself, I have previously caught all 151 Pokémon on my cherished copy of Pokémon Red but alas, this has been stolen (along with my teal Game Boy Colour) and so a new copy was snaffled on ebay (along with my new teal Game Boy Colour).
And so on Saturday, three of us set to work. Richard is still awaiting his new copy of Red, unwilling to delete his 'caught them all' Blue save file. At this point it is early days and we all seem to have made similar Poképrogress:
Andy: 1 badge and 13 Pokémon caught.
Ben: 1 badge and 12 Pokémon caught.
Jim: 0 badges and 5 Pokémon caught.
Richard will be a late starter but as we have said, he is a Pokéboss.
And so for now that is it. Expect another update next Sunday/Monday. Things are about to get Pokécrazy!
As mentioned on OMG last week, to celebrate the much anticipated return of the internets moodiest gaming blog we at OMG will be hosting a Pokémon tournament.
The basic premise is simple enough; start a new game of Red/Blue on Saturday 31st March then train for 2 months before coming together on the 4th June for a round robin tournament.
There were due to be 6 players but that has been whittled down to 4 due to 'hardware difficulties'. In fact I feel I should clarify that statement. What I mean to say is that two of the players - Vikolai and Spanish Dave - have lost their Game Boy Colours. Their Game Boys are probably in perfect working condition, veritable super bricks that they are, it's just that they're in perfect working condition under a ton of other consoles and peripherals, broken xbox 360's, or perhaps just in the attic.
So that leaves four of us to do battle. Other than myself - andyedessa - we have Ben 'the fox in the box' Jefferies. A past Pokémaster experienced in all generations of Pokémon, he is expected to do well here. Then we have Richard 'marsbar' Evans who has been dubbed a Pokéboss due to his previous Pokémon Blue exploits. Back in what we call 'the day' Richard caught, fought and traded for all 151 Pokébeasts. Finally we have Jim 'the Brady' Sullivan. A man of unknown Pokétential, a dark horse if you will, it is impossible to write him off. After all, this is a man who claims to be able to throw and catch a hail mary pass to himself thus winning Superbowl 46 for the Patriots; if only he had played. Who can argue with that?
Myself, I have previously caught all 151 Pokémon on my cherished copy of Pokémon Red but alas, this has been stolen (along with my teal Game Boy Colour) and so a new copy was snaffled on ebay (along with my new teal Game Boy Colour).
And so on Saturday, three of us set to work. Richard is still awaiting his new copy of Red, unwilling to delete his 'caught them all' Blue save file. At this point it is early days and we all seem to have made similar Poképrogress:
Andy: 1 badge and 13 Pokémon caught.
Ben: 1 badge and 12 Pokémon caught.
Jim: 0 badges and 5 Pokémon caught.
Richard will be a late starter but as we have said, he is a Pokéboss.
And so for now that is it. Expect another update next Sunday/Monday. Things are about to get Pokécrazy!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Well, that was a quick 2 years!
So yes, you just read that correctly; two years after starting down the road to bring 'one more game...' (OMG) into being I am returning to it having only managed three posts. Not a particularly prolific output I admit. More Guns n Roses than The Ramones. More Welles than Hitchcock. More Saturn than PS1... That's right it's been two years and it's taken me just 3 lines to get back to the Saturn; what of it? The game is never over!
The truth is that during 2010 my attention was brutally turned away from gaming for a time thanks to a mixture of breaks ups, beat ups, surgery to repair my smashed eye socket post beat up, and then quite frankly, I plain forgot about 'one more game...'. Which is shame as reading over the posts today, I feel it had a solid start. I had plans to review Red Dead Redemption (which would have scored 'OMG's' first 10) and Mario Galaxy 2 (OMG's first 7) and I wanted to write a piece about the impending decline of the Wii and motion control in it's stick waving form (OMG's first accurate fortune told). Oh well. Spilt milk.
The good news is that OMG is now back up and running and this time I will be having a full tilt at taking it somewhere interesting.
To celebrate the return and rebirth of OMG I have organised an event currently known as Pokefest 2012! There are 6 players who will each start a new game of Pokemon Red/Blue on Saturday 31st March and will convene on Monday 4th June for a round robin style tournament. It will be fantastic fun for everyone involved, and a chance to live the retro dream. Updates will of course be brought to you right here at OMG. So far it has been hilarious to watch a bunch of mid-20's -early 30's guys rushing around looking for 'the old Game Boy Colour' and trying to snaffle a new copy of Pokemon on ebay (not wanting to delete precious 'caught them all' save games of course).
So that's it, OMG is back. For good this time we hope.
Take it easy!
The truth is that during 2010 my attention was brutally turned away from gaming for a time thanks to a mixture of breaks ups, beat ups, surgery to repair my smashed eye socket post beat up, and then quite frankly, I plain forgot about 'one more game...'. Which is shame as reading over the posts today, I feel it had a solid start. I had plans to review Red Dead Redemption (which would have scored 'OMG's' first 10) and Mario Galaxy 2 (OMG's first 7) and I wanted to write a piece about the impending decline of the Wii and motion control in it's stick waving form (OMG's first accurate fortune told). Oh well. Spilt milk.
The good news is that OMG is now back up and running and this time I will be having a full tilt at taking it somewhere interesting.
To celebrate the return and rebirth of OMG I have organised an event currently known as Pokefest 2012! There are 6 players who will each start a new game of Pokemon Red/Blue on Saturday 31st March and will convene on Monday 4th June for a round robin style tournament. It will be fantastic fun for everyone involved, and a chance to live the retro dream. Updates will of course be brought to you right here at OMG. So far it has been hilarious to watch a bunch of mid-20's -early 30's guys rushing around looking for 'the old Game Boy Colour' and trying to snaffle a new copy of Pokemon on ebay (not wanting to delete precious 'caught them all' save games of course).
So that's it, OMG is back. For good this time we hope.
Take it easy!
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